Although 30% of the world’s land area is still covered by forests, deforestation has resulted in the loss of 46% of trees since humans first started cutting down trees. This might seem like a strange leading statement for a company that has wood in its name, but we believe that we can have our wood products and our planet too. If you look back over our history, you’ll see that a priority has been sustainability, from our processes to the materials that we use. Because we recognize that our industry contributes to the environmental and social impact of deforestation, it was important to us that we pursue a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) chain-of-custody (CoC) certification.
Why FSC® Certification?
What is the Chain-of-Custody (CoC) Certification?
companies have been Chain-of-Custody certified in the US and Canada as of June 2019
Our FSC Certification
What to Look For

When sourcing wood products, look for the FSC® certified label.